6 Key Steps To Maintaining Your Lead-Acid Golf Cart Batteries

Maintaining Your Lead-Acid Golf Cart Batteries: 6 Essential Tips

Batteries are one of the most critical components of your golf cart. Lead-acid batteries are commonly used and have several advantages over newer battery options. They are a tried-and-true technology, which has been around since the nineteenth century. Lead-acid batteries are cost-effective and more environmentally friendly than lithium batteries, as they require three times less energy to produce and are recyclable.

Importance of Maintaining Lead-Acid Batteries

Lead-acid batteries do require maintenance to keep them in good condition. In this blog post, we will discuss six tips on how to maintain your lead-acid golf cart batteries.

1. Keep the Batteries Clean

Dirt and debris can cause corrosion on the battery terminals, reducing the effectiveness of the battery. Clean the terminals regularly using a solution of baking soda and water, and then rinse them thoroughly with clean water.

2. Monitor Water Levels

The lead-acid batteries require distilled water to maintain the right electrolyte level. Check the water level every month and add distilled water as needed. Avoid overfilling the batteries as it can cause damage to the internal components. Adding distilled water should be done prior to a charging cycle.

3. Avoid Overcharging

Overcharging the batteries can cause permanent damage to the cells and reduce their overall life. Use a quality battery charger with a built-in voltage regulator to prevent overcharging.

4. Store the Batteries Properly

If you plan on storing your golf cart for an extended period, remove the batteries and store them in a cool, dry place. Ensure the batteries are fully charged and covered to protect them from dust and debris.

5. Equalize the Batteries

Equalizing the batteries ensures all cells are charged equally. This process helps extend the life of the batteries and improve their overall performance. You can equalize the batteries by charging them to a higher voltage and then allowing them to discharge naturally. Most high-quality battery chargers, such as the Lester Summit II, perform this task for you automatically.

6. Avoid Deep Discharging

Deep discharging the batteries can reduce their overall life and effectiveness. Avoid letting the batteries discharge to less than 50% of their capacity.


Maintaining your lead-acid golf cart batteries is crucial to ensure that they last a long time and perform optimally. By following these tips, you can extend the life of your batteries and avoid costly premature replacements